Small Additional Services That Draw in Big Business for Your Digital Agency


A focus on recurring income is a big power move for digital agencies. As well as helping stabilise your income, it can also help position you as an agency that’s committed to giving clients as much value as possible.

As a digital agency, offering monthly or yearly packages allows you to become a trusted partner to the clients you work with. You’re no longer just in charge of your clients’ current operations, you’ll also be part of their continuous development. 

That said, how you frame your services can make a huge difference to how receptive your clients are to regular packages. As an agency owner, you need to strategically structure new services in a way that seems new and exciting, while not overextending yourself… or becoming unprofitable!

This is where playing to your agency’s strengths can work well. Especially for smaller agencies, using skills you already have (or that you can easily outsource) can add substance to your core services, without straying from your existing business model.

So, what additional services can your digital agency offer without drastically impacting how you currently operate? We’re here with some ideas to get you started, as well as some considerations to take into account.

Digital marketing & web design (in-house or outsourced)

Web development and digital marketing is a popular service for digital agencies. Unsurprisingly, it’s also a service that many businesses now expect digital agencies to offer. But is it possible to leverage your existing web design services without completely reconfiguring your business strategy?

1.     Website refreshes & landing pages

Website refreshes and lead magnets are a great additional service for your agency to offer if you want to utilise the skills of an existing in-house designer or partner agency you already have a relationship with. However, there are some things to keep in mind before adding these services to your selection.

Whether you have an in-house designer or you’re outsourcing to a white label web design agency (like us!), it’s important to assess your web designer’s strengths and weaknesses before offering this new service to your clients. While this goes for almost all additional services you’re thinking of offering, it’s especially important for web-related services.

This is because while many web designers are great at building new sites from scratch, their way of working might not be a great fit when it comes to updating existing websites on a tighter budget. Website refresh and lead magnet clients will often have tighter deadlines too, so bear this in mind before making promises your agency can’t keep.

Tip: If your digital agency already outsources its web design and development, you might find that the turnaround on smaller projects can be much faster than if they’re done in-house. This is usually because an in-house designer might be used to less strict budgets and extended deadlines. In contrast, a partner agency will be very used to hopping in and out of projects and providing instantly viable solutions.

2.     Social media (and paid ads)

Social media is another popular service for digital agencies to offer, particularly social media management and channel building. The great thing about offering social media as an additional extra is that it can be the perfect service to trial with an agency employee who wants to work their way up in the ranks.

As well as the employee learning all about paid ads, audience engagement, and strategic online marketing — your agency can keep this role as an ‘entry-level’ role until you decide it’s worth investing more in.

Before offering full social media management or social media marketing services, you can test the waters with your clients by offering services such as:

  • Page setup
  • The running of paid ads
  • Basic content creation
  • Content publishing
  • Content calendar planning (can later develop into complete content strategy services)

3.     Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Google loves SEO, which means your digital agency should probably love it too (at least for professional purposes!). As well as being a huge part of how successful your clients’ websites will be, SEO is something that clients are now increasingly aware of. With the term ‘SEO web design’ also now rising in popularity, it’s almost expected that web design services will include making sites as appealing as possible to search engines.

Therefore, if your digital agency can’t currently market itself as an ‘expert in SEO practice’, it might be time to change that.

While not all web teams will enjoy SEO, the reality is that it’s integral to how happy a client will be with their final product. Adding SEO to the mix is also a great way to ensure your design skills aren’t wasted. This is why web design and SEO services can work extremely well… with the right partnerships! 

If your web designer isn’t up to speed on the most recent SEO practice, it’s worth researching who you can partner with to up your website ranking game. 


Following on from the previous point, while SEO is a great skill for your in-house or white label web design agency to have, SEO services can also be incorporated as part of your branding services. This is because SEO can also enhance a brand’s key messaging and engagement, so clients will always be happy to see SEO practice on offer as part of your branding services.

In terms of other additional services you can offer under the umbrella of branding, some of our suggestions include:

1.     Copywriting

Generally, digital agencies offering branding services will have a copywriter on hand to create inspiring copy that connects with a target audience. If not, copywriting services are something worth investing in if your agency wants to expand or improve its branding services.

These services are almost always worth the investment, particularly for copywriting agencies offering SEO expertise as a key selling point. Additionally, it’s also worth noting which type of copywriting you want your agency to focus on. Some different types of specialist copywriting services can include:

  • Website
  • Product
  • Technical writing
  • SEO 
  • B2B
  • B2C 
  • Ad copy
  • And more!

While a professional copywriting agency will typically specialise in several of these areas at once, if you’re not wanting to outsource this service, it might be wise to target one specific area to get you started!

2.     Graphic design

Graphic design is a welcome addition to branding packages for many clients. Even though a certain level of graphic design will need to apply to other services such as web design, having an agency that specialises in this area can be hugely beneficial.

As well as creating web graphics, clients might also be interested in graphics for marketing materials or even presentation purposes. If you don’t already have a team member or partner that specialises in graphic design, the signs to look out for when hiring one include:

  • A varied portfolio (that still has consistency in terms of style)
  • Their designs are original
  • They’ve worked with digital agencies before
  • They understand typography
  • Their communication skills are evident

3.     Photography & video

Photography and video is an additional service that can tie into several client packages (including web design). However, for small digital agencies in particular, it can also fit well with branding. This is because when it comes to establishing a brand image for a business, your clients want to know that everything about their business is presented in the best way possible.

Did you know that 60% of consumers are more likely to consider and contact businesses with images in local search results? This just goes to show how influential photography can be to the success of a business, so ensuring your agency keeps on top of this trend is essential!

In terms of video services, platforms such as TikTok and Youtube are changing how audiences consume media. If your agency isn’t keeping on top of these trends, your agency is at risk of losing out to competitors. This is why if you’re not already offering photography and video services, it might be worth figuring out how to add them in as soon as possible!


Coaching has become a popular service for digital agencies in recent years, especially with so many business owners concerned about economic uncertainty and keeping their business afloat. To easily expand your coaching services, consider adding:

1.     Access to learning content

There’s nothing your digital agency clients will love more than discovering new ways to grow their business strategically. However, as part of your coaching services, it can be difficult to fit everything you need them to know into short meetings.

This is why it can be valuable to offer access to content you’ve created through learning management systems. This way, you can put together targeted content for your clients to access in their own time, supporting your coaching sessions in the process.

2.     Client promotion

Client promotion is one often overlooked (and low-cost!) service a digital agency can offer. As a digital agency, you have the privilege of coming into contact with different kinds of businesses every day. This allows your agency to make connections that many of your clients might never make.

As a digital agency, it’s in your interests that your clients do well. This is why as part of your coaching services, try to include the option for your clients to partner on promotional activities that can benefit you both. This can include:

  • Featuring clients in case studies
  • Teaming up on reports/providing insights 
  • Introducing your clients to networking events or online communities
  • Collaborating on projects such as podcasts or webinars

Don’t forget value in the form of trust

Regardless of what additional services your digital agency uses to add value to client packages, it’s important to always highlight your reliability as an agency across everything you do.

Clients who opt for regular packages with your agency will want to know that they can rely on you to deliver — something that will likely keep them coming back for more.

How Uprise Digital can help:

If your agency can’t offer additional value in-house, outsourcing to white label services might be the answer. As a white label web design and development agency, the digital agencies we work with can reap the rewards of our services, without any stress or long-term commitment. From branded dashboards to SEO practice, our clients know our websites deliver. 

If you’d like to know more about our white label web design and development services, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us via our website or email address:

You can also phone us on 01892 354301. We’ll look forward to hearing from you!

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