Ten Helpful Lead Generation Ideas


As business owners, we spend absurd amounts of time and resources trying to chase new customers, generating interest in our products/services and generally trying to spread the word that we are the “Go-To-Guys” in our own industries. Every business needs the lifeline that is created by having a steady stream of leads, but coming up with original and effective ways to attract and convert qualified leads is easier said than done.


We’ve compiled our top ten lead generation ideas, to help make those lead conversions easier for you…


  1. First Rule of Lead Generation – Don’t mention spam!

It has been proven that including the word “spam” on a signup form can reduce conversions by almost 20%! In this time of GDPR, it’s perfectly acceptable to reassure privacy, but try doing it in a fun way that doesn’t include the word “spam”, ie. “e guarantee we will never spam you”, could be changed to “We guarantee you’ll be happy to see our newsletter drop into your inbox” or “our updates will help you become a marketing genius”.


  1. Create Downloadable Content in Exchange for E-Mails

Everyone loves a freebie, and most people will gladly supply you with their e-mail, so appeal to this by offering a downloadable .pdf with perhaps “10 Top Tax Saving Tips” if you are an accountant, or “How To Be More Productive” if you provide administrative assistance.


  1. Limit Choices

The fewer choices a lead has to make when navigating your website, landing page, social media post or e-mail, there is less chance of confusion – and less confusion means more qualified leads. Decreased options can see the number of people who sign up for a “free trial” or “free download” offer jump by up to 25% in their conversion rate.


  1. Optimize Your About Page

Whatever you may call it, your “about” or “team” page is very important to your business. This is where people see who you are and what you’re about. It’s also a great place to have a call to action.


  1. Blog Regularly

We know by now that blogging is effective for generating leads. In spite of this, not many companies have strong and consistent content calendars (many give up when no results come in the first month or two), but you need to by into this for the long haul, results will not come overnight. Pull together a content schedule for six months, blog every week (at least) and you will see organic traffic grow.


  1. Create and optimize evergreen content

Super in-depth posts take a long time to write but can pay off over time. If you frame them correctly, they can turn into content pillars that continue to draw traffic long after their published date.


  1. Use Social Media

Promoted posts are a form of sponsored content, they should resemble typical posts you see in your feed. Yes, you’re paying to be in front of an audience, but you still need to keep the content fun and valuable to your audience. To maximize the potential of promoted posts, link to a landing page that is on the same subject, for your lead generation campaigns, this will help continue the conversation and ultimately increase conversions.


  1. Practice Social Listening

Social listening is the process of tracking conversations around specific topics, keywords, phrases, brands or industries, and leveraging your insights to discover opportunities or create content for those audiences. It’s more than watching @mentions and comments pour in via your social profiles, mobile apps or blogs. If you’re only paying attention to notifications, you’re missing a huge group of people that are talking about you, your brand and your product.


  1. Be Active in Online Communities

Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, Twitter Hours and online forums all help to bring people with common interests together. These communities offer opportunities to become an influencer and reach potential prospects to drive conversions.


  1. Optimise Your E-Mail Signature

You will no doubt be sending out hundreds of emails every week. To get the most out of these emails, consider linking back to your site or landing page in your signature.


A sales funnel filled with leads is a great way to validate that your marketing efforts are delivering value to your prospects. When lead generation is done successfully, everyone benefits.


Here at Uprise Digital, our mission is to provide your business with a steady stream of inbound leads at various stages of the buying process, so talk to our experts and find ways to improve your traffic, and lead conversion on your website.

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